22 OCT 2023
What Are Health Benefits of Bunny Nature Botanicals?
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Nutrition | Rabbits | Guinea Pigs | Chinchillas | Rabbit Food | Degus | Bunny Nature
In the wild, their eating habits include grass, tree bark and twigs. Our pets need a similar fibre-filled diet from a range of sources. Treats must only be provided in moderation, but you don’t have to go down the route of a sugary, unhealthy snack.   Treats should be packed full of fibre and should include ingredients they would find in the wild. Bunny Nature BOTANICALS consists of many unique plant, flower and herbal mixtures that was carefully developed by veterinarians. Only the best plant components, which are pure and intense in flavour, are being used. These BOTANICALS are available in various delicious flavours that can be either fed as a snack to greatly enrich the daily diet, or it can be merged into a complete diet. A feeding table prepared by veterinarians helps in a simple way. So: for a complete diet, take one of the varieties of BOTANICALS MAXI MIX and combine it with a BOTANICALS MID-MIX variety and feed the necessary VITAMINS as a snack. It&ls.. [More] BOTANICALSbunnytreat.jpg
Tags : What Are Health Benefits of Bunny Nature Botanicals? Rabbit Health Food South Africa , Healthy Guinea Pig Food South Africa , Chinchilla Food South Africa , Degus Food South Africa Comment 0 Comments
29 SEP 2019
Take A Closer Look At Your Degus Diet
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Nutrition | Pet Care | Degus | Bunny Nature
Degus are sociable, speedy rodents have very different needs from other small furries and providing the correct diet is an essential part of keeping them healthy and happy.   In the wild, degus – who are native to northern and central Chile and live high up in the Andes mountain range – survive on grass and other green vegetation, bark and seeds. In fact, compared to other rodents, degus need to consume large amounts of fibre – at Burgess, they refer to them as ‘fibrevores’. That’s why hay should make up a large part of their diet. Each day, you need to provide a minimum of their body size in high quality feeding hay  to enable their digestive systems to function properly. Chomping on plenty of fresh, tasty hay will also help your degus’ dental health by keeping their continuously growing teeth at the correct length and shape. DID YOU KNOW? Wild degus live in groups of up to 100, where they dig complex burrows to .. [More] DEGUSDIET2019.jpg
Tags : Take A Closer Look At Your Degus Diet South Africa , Degus Food South Africa Comment 0 Comments
26 NOV 2017
Degus Are Slowly Becoming Popular Pets in South Africa
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Nutrition | Pet Care | Degus | Bunny Nature
Looking for smart and sociable small furries who love to interact with humans and provide hours of entertainment in daylight hours with their endless energy? Then you’ll find degus an absolute delight!   The degu is a small rodent that is native to Chile. In the wild, these supremely social animals live in groups of up to 100, where they dig complex burrows to hide from predators, complete with nests and food stores. Unlike many small furries, degus are diurnal, which means they are active during the day. These lively little creatures, which look rather like large gerbils, love human interaction and will be happy living in a busy home where there’s plenty going on for them to keep a watchful eye on. In Good Company  The first rule when keeping degus is never to have just one. These small pets need the company of at least one other degu chum (ideally from the same litter) or they will feel vulnerable and depressed, which will have a detrimental eff.. [More] degusaspets2.jpg
Tags : Why Degus Are Becoming Popular Pets in South Africa , Degus Food South Africa Comment 0 Comments
19 MAR 2017
Feeding Your Degus A High Fibre Diet
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Nutrition | Pet Care | Degus | Bunny Nature | Newhay
Degus are not common household pets so there is a misconception that they are hard to look after, or they have special dietary needs. This could not be further from the truth, degus are very easy to care for and feed.   The only special consideration revolves around their susceptibility to health problems related to high sugar foods. Degus are very sensitive to sugar in the same way humans are with diabetes. Sugary foods should be avoided. But with some care on your part, it’s not hard to make sure they are receiving a healthy balance of nutrients from their food.   The degu diet in the wild consists of grasses, seeds and roots. It is nutrient poor so they spend a great deal of time foraging and eating. Degus need to keep their digestive systems busy with a mix of two kinds of fibre moving through their gut at all times (these types of fibre are called digestible fibre and indigestible fibre).  The majority of the degus diet should be high in indigestib.. [More] degus1.jpg
Tags : Degus Need A High Fibre Diet South Africa , Feeding Your Degus Healthy Food South Africa , What Do Degus Eat South Africa , Degus Food South Africa , Degus Diet South Africa Comment 0 Comments
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